Putsch® has collaborated with Amity Technology and leading sugar beet seed brand, Betaseed, in developing the Feed Beets™ concept for dairy farmers. Feed Beets™ are the ideal feedstuff and cover crop to be grown on dairy farms in terms of cost, ease of growing and animal nutrition. For more details about the benefits of Feed Beets™, check out the videos below or visit the Feed Beets™ website.
Feed Beet™ Processing Technology

Putsch® technology allows for easy and effective processing of Feed Beets™ from the time they are harvested to an optimally chipped end product to be fed to cattle. The Putsch® state-of-the-art beet processing line of technology includes stationary and mobile equipment for washing, de-stoning and chipping of Feed Beets™. Our complete range of root vegetable receiving, size separation, handling, rock catching, washing, slicing and chipping machines is designed to prepare a variety of roots while lowering maintenance costs and overall total investment.